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malindo's portfolios
Pipe Handling Systems
As the name suggests, pipe handling systems help to move a drill pipe or a string (combination of 3 or 4 drill pipes together) in drill floor. You can view a brochure taken from the NOV website or watch a video from Youtube below to get an idea of it.
The work related to the equipment that I have done so far:
Bridge Racker
Five yearly Special Periodic Survey including onsite repair.
Hydraracker XY
Condition assessment.
Five yearly Special Periodic Survey including onsite repair.
Health check.
Overhaul of Lower Trolley, including slew bearing replacement.
Overhaul of Main Arm.
Overhaul of Tail Arm, including hoses replacement.
Overhaul of Upper Trolley, including the Upper Track.
Troubleshooting Head Tilt Control Error.
Troubleshooting Pick Up Elevator.
Hydraracker III & IV
Five yearly Special Periodic Survey including onsite repair.
Ten yearly Special Periodic Survey including onsite repair.
Overhaul of Lower Trolley, including slew bearing replacement.
Rebuilding brakes of Slew and Travel gearboxes.
Supervising warm stacking program.
Supervising a warm stacking maintenance program of a Hydraracker IV.
Solving leak in Pick Up Elevator.
Supervising replacement of all hoses.
Tensioning column's bolts.
Upgrading the winch hydraulic system based on Product Bulletin 87836526.
Annual inspection.
Overhaul of Lower Drive Assembly.
Rebuilding hoist motor's brake.
Troubleshooting problem with Positioner Assembly and Elevator.
Troubleshooting operation sequence issue.
Service and Access Basket
Troubleshooting creeping movement of telescope extend/ retract.
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